Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rey Cabrera

...What's in a name?

He's been wrestling with it again.

He paces, grunts, looks at me for help. *sighs* I don't have an answer. His frustration is relentless and eats at him continuously. This branding issue has become severe. He tackles it again without any success. I throw out some suggestions...
Whiskey Rey
Classico Rey

...he rejects them all...

Of course, he does!
You're Rey Cabrera...I so desperately want to shout.
I see him screaming inside...
I love his name. How can you be "successful" at anything if people can't find you?

The question invades his sleep. There are so many Rey Cabreras on the web. He feels like a lost soul at sea,asking, where is the light on land?

I don't give up. I remind him with love coating my voice that there IS room for one more Rey Cabrera. Once this new show sells out, there will only be one Rey Cabrera on the minds of people that appreciate art.

I can only hope that the name Rey Cabrera will one day be as big a his...

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